Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blogging again and Operation Rainfall

I haven't been blogging much in recent times.  Really need to be getting back into it.  Been busy doing other things however a whole lot has happened lately and a lot of really big and exciting things have been coming in the world of gaming.

Xenoblade Chronicles

I really can't believe it's finally coming.  Feels like we've known about this game since the Wii's been on shelves but Xenoblade Chronicles is finally coming out in the America's and in the US at least will be out tomorrow!  This is easily the best Japanese RPG in nearly a decade and is easily a must own regardless of platform!  I highly recommend picking it up and enjoying the experience, I know I will be.  A word of advice, just like when Star Wars: The Old Republic came out, I probably will be very hard to get a hold of for the next few days, so sorry if I miss anything ahead of time.  Xenoblade will only be available at gamestop and Nintendo's online store.

The Last Story

Just like Xenoblade, it has been announced recently that The Last Story will be getting a North America release.  This time though, it will be published by XSeed Games instead of Nintendo and will only be available at Amazon.  Very glad that group is around, XSeed has brought about some fine games and this one is no exception.  This one will be available June, 19th.  2 Operation Rainfall games down, only 1 to go!

Heroes of Ruin

Another game I've been looking forward to a whole lot had a recent article surface from IGN recently that shown off this new trailer and gave the game a release date of June 26th.  While this date isn't official (I think) it is the closest thing we have to an official date.  As it stands right now, this is my most anticipated game on 3DS for its strong multiplayer features and good use of the 3DS features.  It's easily one of the best dungeon crawlers we've gotten on a video game system, even more so a Nintendo system and even more so a handheld.  With over 80,000 pieces of randomized loot, randomized dungeon layouts, jump in jump out online, voice chat, scaling difficulty, daily spot pass quests, street pass trade network, online ranking, and still offering single player and local multiplayer, this is quite possibly the most ambitious 3DS title so far.

Getting back into the swing of blogging!

I've been doing a lot of other things lately, whether that be drawing, painting, gaming, watching stuff with the fam, going places, I've been doing a lot and haven't been blogging it much.  I'm really needing to get back into the swing of things and buckle down and start blogging.  Trying to figure out a way to link a few blogs together and I need to start up a new art/game design blog as I've lost my old ones password.  Anyways for now, I'll end this one at that.  Thanks for reading.